I've often wondered why the designation of "feminist" is important to people. Isn't it enough to say that you believe women and men should have equal rights?
But then, again...doesn't every reasonable person in the western world believe that? And if so...why would the designation be necessary? It's like calling myself an abolitionist because I don't believe people should be bought/sold as slaves. It goes without saying.
Identifying as a feminist seems to be just another way in which people attempt to find meaning, and belonging through tribal identification. And the results are inevitably very...well, tribal: intolerance of dissent, dehumanization of the outgroup, conformity of thought and language, an over-emphasis on the social status of the tribe, etc.
I only describe myself as an egalitarian, meaning that I believe that each person should be treated with the maxium amount of compassion and dignity that we can afford to give them, given the circumstances. To me that is the very definition of justice.
Anyone who feels the need to modify or add to that is probably trying to sell you something.